Vclean Services - Mobile App

This was designed as part of the UX nano degree program. Cleaning is an important aspect of a lively and healthy environment. With today’s busy life schedules people don’t have time to do household chores and spend time with their loved ones. Our team wanted to create a digital product to make user life easy by providing them with the best booking experience.


Major products in the market target only a few needs like estimation by a phone call or choosing the existing plan. Our users had different expectations and needs. Collaborating those feedbacks into one single roof was a real challenge.


Design an app for Vclean services that focuses mainly On customizing the scheduling needs, Enrollment plans, etc.


My Role

UX designer designing an app for Mom’s Kitchen from conception to delivery

My Responsibilities

Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs


Sep 2020– Dec 2020

Discovery: Research & Analysis

During the research phase, we found that most of our users were frustrated with either the app or the cleaning service. They had different preferences and needs.  We interviewed 5 people who use the digital app for booking the services. We observed their pain points and difficulties by getting proper information through Several Other apps.

Based on the user interviews, I created the affinity mapping and then plotted down the themes and opportunities.

Things to consider:

  • Users are from different age groups and they have different needs.

  • Users should be able to see the progress of cleaning which would help them to utilize this time for their personal needs.

  • Improved Payment methods

Themes and opportunities

Empathizing Phase

During the empathize phase, I collected all the insights from user interviews and converted them into personas, followed by user story and then a user journey map

User Persona

Feature Prioritizing

User Persona

Login User Flow


Key Findings

Users pain point with the app into consideration

I learned that users are of different age groups. So it should be suitable for all age groups.

One of the participants pointed out that they are not aware of what is happening with the cleaning process

“No Way to know the progress of cleaning” - Participant 3

Users will be motivated if they get a reward system.

“Reward points motivate me to try it again” - Participant 4

One of the participants told me that, without knowing the cleaning process it is difficult to decide what to select.

“I would love to see demo videos before deciding my plan” – Participant 1

As our users are from a different age group we need to consider health risk factors.

“I am allergic to certain cleaning products”’ – Participant 5

Design: Concepts & Sketching

Based on the research, I arrived at a few key insights through the research, user interviews, and surveys.

60% of the users were frustrated with the current booking experiences so they ended up using local services.

  • Frustrated with the user experience and customer suppor

 40% of the users were not happy with the cleaning process, issues with the Pros

  • They wanted to have the person with whom they had built the trust.

  • Wanted to know updates while cleaning was in progress.

These insights helped me to focus on key features by doing some initial sketches.

Ideation Phase

Our product should focus on customer satisfaction.

Things to consider:

  • Users should have the freedom to select what they want.

  • Budget-friendly Plans should be included.

  • Ability to customize

  • Users are from different age groups and they have different needs.

  • Users should be able to see the progress of cleaning which would help them to utilize this time for their personal needs.

  • Improved Payment methods

Visual Explorations

Taking the time to draft each screen of the app on paper ensured that the elements that made it to digital wireframes would be well-suited to address user pain points. For the home screen, I prioritized a quick and easy ordering process to help users save time. 

Paper Wireframes

Digital Wireframes

Low Fidelity Prototype

Using the completed set of digital wireframes, I created a low-fidelity prototype. The primary user flow I connected was scheduling the cleaning, so the prototype could be used in a usability study.

Usability Study

Designs went through multiple iterations based on accessibility feedbacks and user testing.

Based on Accessibility testing, I had to refine the screens with a better color palette and font sizes. Usability feedback helped me to provide the best solutions by preventing the drop-offs in between the booking.

High Fidelity Prototype

The final High Fidelity Prototype displayed the clean user flows for scheduling the cleaning service and managing the booking.

Accessibility Considerations

  • Provided access to users who are vision impaired through adding alt text to images for screen readers.

  • Used accessible colors

  • Used detailed imagery for food to help all users better understand
    the designs.

Accessibility considerations

Design Preview

Our final solution helped Vclean Services to get more customers enrolled in their Subscription plan. Users were happy to interact with the smooth Booking Experience.

Screen Preview

Style Guide

Key Takeaways


Our target users shared that the design was intuitive to navigate through, interactive with a smoother booking experience.

What I learned:

The most important takeaway for me is to always focus on the real needs of the user when coming up with design ideas and solutions. This project was significantly helpful to know the UX design thinking that focuses on the user and the process from research to testing. I understood that Research is one key element for addressing the problem. I will definitely make use of the experience and what I learned for future projects.

