PlantVille - Mobile App

This was designed as part of Adobe XD challenge. Plantville wanted to build an app to enhance their business opportunities by giving their customers professional support to grow the plants from seed to fruit.


During my research, I found that many of them are plant lovers but somehow they fail to be good plant parents.


Design an app to give the users ability to learn about plants and manage the plant care schedule.


My Role

Visual Designer

My Responsibilities

Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping.


Jan 2021-Feb 2021

Empathize, Define & Ideate

During the empathize phase, I collected the below insights and worked on the user needs

  • Dont know how to take care

  • Lack of knowledge about the soil.

  • Forget to water the plant

  • Not sure about the type of manure

  • Dont know how to arrange them or place them.

  • Dont have knowledge of available plants

  • Need expert advice & support

User Needs

With all the insights collected during the empathy and define phase, I did a quick ideation exercise to come up with ideas on how to address gaps identified in the research.

Paper Wireframes


After ideating and drafting some paper wireframes, I created the initial designs for the PlantVille app. These designs focus on giving a simple and intuitive user experience to the users to meet their needs.

Digital Wireframes

High Fidelity Prototype

The high-fidelity prototype followed the same user flow as the low-fidelity prototype, including design changes made after the usability study.

Accessibility Considerations

  • Clear labels for interactive elements that can be read by screen readers.

  • Used accessible colors

  • Images are supported with labels and alt tags

Logo Design

After a few trials and errors, I created the logo for Plantville app using the idea of a plant theme with adobe illustrator.

Design Preview

Conducted usability studies to validate whether the pain points users experienced have been effectively addressed. Refined the high fidelity mocks based on the user feedback.

Few Mock Preview

Key Takeaways


Users shared that the app was really helpful for them to track the plant schedule and learn about the plants they wish to plant.

What I learned:

I learned that even though the problem I was trying to solve was a big one, I have been able to learn a new tool practically from scratch, of course, I have to keep learning and improving, as this is only the beginning.


Gold AGE


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